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Article name | The Japanese Military Mission in the Territory of Trans-Baikal During the Civil War (on Materials of SARB and SATBT) |
Authors | Minaeva V.U.Postgraduate student |
Bibliographic description | Minaeva V. U. The Japanese military mission in the territory of Trans-Baikal during the Civil War (on materials of SARB and SATBT) // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 4. PP. 14–18. |
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UDK | 94(41/99)(571.55) |
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Annotation | The period of the Civil War and foreign military intervention is one of the most difficult and interesting periods in the history of Russia. At the same time, the theme of the Civil War and foreign intervention is far from exhausted, it continues to be relevant both politically and scientifically. Recently, as a result of rethinking the historical experience of our country, new controversial issues arise, some events of the past require clarification. This, for example, refers to the problem of the participation of Japanese troops in foreign military intervention in Russia during the Civil War. The State Archives of the Republic of Buryatia and the State Archives of the Trans-Baikal Territory are the largest places to store documents on the history of foreign intervention in Transbaikalia, which allows us to reveal a number of interesting facts about the activities of Japanese armed formations on the territory of Transbaikalia during the Civil War. Archival documents open up vast opportunities for researchers to rethink the experience of the past. At the same time, it should be noted that not always the information from archival sources is true, therefore archival documents should be subjected to source criticism. In the article the author tried to trace a number of interesting events of the Japanese military mission on the territory of Transbaikalia on the basis of archival materials and periodicals. |
Key words | Transbaikalia, civil war, foreign military intervention, armed formations, Japanese intervention, documentary complexes of state repositories |
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Full article | The Japanese Military Mission in the Territory of Trans-Baikal During the Civil War (on Materials of SARB and SATBT) |