Article name Activities of the Russian Customs Officers in Primorye and Priamurye during World War I
Authors Zandanova L.V.Doctor of History, Professor
Karnovich S.A.Candidate of Law
Bibliographic description Zandanova L. V., Karnovich S. A. Activities of the Russian Customs Officers in Primorye and Priamurye during World War I // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 4. PP. 41–46. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-4-41–46.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-4-41-46
UDK 325
Article type
Annotation The paper studies anti-smuggling activities of customs officers of the Russian Empire on the Russian-Chinese border during World War I (1014–1917). After the beginning of 1914 military campaign, smuggling of goods on extended Russian-Chinese land boundary was wide-ranging. Alcohol was among the main smuggled goods. Contingents of Russian troops were the main consumers of alcohol. Smuggling was gradually spread by railway, it was promoted by weak supervision from gendarme police. Smugglers were helped by the Russian workers. Cossacks and also their land tenant – the Chinese and the Koreans who delivered tobacco and the Chinese goods besides alcohol to Russia were the main smugglers. On land boundary, smuggling of alcohol in 1914–1917 grew. After the October revolution in 1917, organized work of customs officers in the Far East of Russia stopped.
Key words аlcohol, smuggling, frontier guards, customs regime, Russian-Chinese border
Article information
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Full articleActivities of the Russian Customs Officers in Primorye and Priamurye during World War I