Article name The Activities of Out-of-School Department of the Ministry of Education in the Far-Eastern Republic (1920–1922)
Authors Moroz A.I.Candidate of History, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Moroz A. I. The Аctivities of Out-of-School Department of the Ministry of Education in the Far-Eastern Republic (1920–1922) // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 4. PP. 47–54.
UDK 93/94 (571.55)
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the history of creation, reorganization and activities of the Out-of-School Department of the Ministry of National Education of the Far Eastern Republic in 1920–1922. Under the leadership of this Agency in the territories that were part of the state, work out on education and enlightenment of the adult able-bodied population was carried. By the forces of the department, measures were launched to eliminate illiteracy and adult illiteracy, educational institutions were opened, work to train pedagogical staff to work in them was carried. The degree of study of this activity in the scientific literature is low. In order to write this article, the author was required to compile fragmented materials from the collections of the State Archive of the Trans-Baikal region, the Trans-Baikal regional museum of local lore by A. K. Kuznetsov, published works, newspapers and magazines of the period under review. It was found that the activity of non-school education department of the Ministry of the Far Eastern Republic in 1920–1922 was more of an organizational nature and was mainly deployed in the regional centers of the republic. Despite this, it should be noted that it contributed to the formation of prerequisites for the education and enlightenment of the adult population of the Far East in the subsequent period.
Key words history, Far Eastern republic, out-of-school education, elimination of illiteracy, educational work
Article information
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Full articleThe Activities of Out-of-School Department of the Ministry of Education in the Far-Eastern Republic (1920–1922)