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Article name | The Last Years of the Empress Eudocia in Palestine |
Authors | Alexandrova T.L.Candidate of Philology |
Bibliographic description | Alexandrova T. L. The Last Years of the Empress Eudocia in Palestine // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 4. PP. 55–64. |
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UDK | 94 |
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Annotation | The paper reviews the position of the Empress Eudocia in religious war between the Chalkidonians and the Miaphysites in the 450s. Existing evidences are contradictory: both parties are inclined to call her their supporter. Scholars used to uphold one or another party, but the criteria for the choice are quite subjective, as well as views on the extent of Eudocia’s Christianity. The article dwells on all extant sources narrating the sojourn of Eudocia in Palestine and her religious views. The author manages to show that Eudocia was quite competent with doctrinal matters, and besides, she was involved in politics in connection with the succession to the throne. In the monastic milieu, both in Chalkidonian and Miaphysite, she enjoyed considerable influence and both parties speak about her with sympathy.It is unknown whether this attitude is the consequence of fine diplomacy of the Empress or both parties manipulated her and her misfortune (the imprisonment of her daughter and granddaughters by Vandals). The final solution of the problem seems to be almost impossible because of distortion of the historic truth, which both sides allow in their favour. The author suggests that subsequent rehabilitation of Eudocia among the Chalcedonians is connected with the policy of reconciliation towards the Miaphysites, carried out by Justinian. |
Key words | Empress Eudocia, Palestine, Jerusalem, Chalkidonian, Miaphysite, religion, christianity |
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Full article | The Last Years of the Empress Eudocia in Palestine |