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Article name | Closing of Orthodox Churches in Eastern Transbaikalia in the 1930s |
Authors | Drobotushenko E.V.Candidate of History, Associate Professor |
Bibliographic description | Drobotushenko E. V. Closing of Orthodox Churches in EasternTransbaikalia in the 1930s // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 4. PP. 99–104. |
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UDK | 94:27(571.55) |
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Annotation | The article characterizes the activities of the secular authorities in Eastern Transbaikalia in the 1930s. The relevance of the subject field of the research is predefined by the necessity of recreating a more complete picture of the existence of different religious exercises on the territory of the peripheral cross-border, multi-ethnic and multi-religious region. The author notes that there are not many scientific publications on the subject field of the study. A separate article touching upon certain aspects of the history of Orthodoxy in the present time does not give the deployed characteristics of the process of closing Orthodox churches and prayer houses. The study is based on data sources – the documents of the funds of the State archive of the Russian Federation. In the article, on the basis of statistical data the procedure for closing cathedrals, churches, houses of worship is analyzed, correctness of the decision-making bodies of local and regional authorities is estimated, availability of appeals of decisions made by religious communities is provided. The author concludes that Orthodox churches and prayer houses were most actively closed in Eastern Transbaikalia in the 1930s. Buildings for religious services and other religious teachings were closed, but due to the fact there were not many of them in the whole region, the researcher may consider that anti-religious activities of the authorities were directed mainly against the Orthodox Church. A different conclusion is the comment on the need for further work with archival documents. This will allow us to reconstruct the picture of Orthodoxy existence in the region in the 20th century more fully. |
Key words | religious doctrine, religion, Christianity, religious community, Church, believers, Eastern Transbaikalia |
Article information | |
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Full article | Closing of Orthodox Churches in Eastern Transbaikalia in the 1930s |