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Article name | Archaeological Excavations in the Territory of the Church of Dormition of the Mother of God in Kalinino village, Transbaikalia |
Authors | Konstantinov A.V.Doctor of History, Professor |
Bibliographic description | Konstantinov A. V. Archaeological Excavations in the Territory of the Church of Dormition of the Mother of God in Kalinino village, Transbaikalia // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 4. PP. 125–136. DOI: 10.21209/1996- 7853-2017-12-4-125-136. |
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DOI | 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-4-128-136 |
UDK | 902:903.7(571.55) |
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Annotation | The paper presents preliminary results of archaeological excavations conducted on the territory near the Church of Dormition in Kalinino village (Monastyrskoye), Nerchinsk region, Transbaikalia. The church built in 1712 by the order of Peter I is a unique historical and cultural monument and the oldest stone construction on the territory from Lake Baikal to the very Pacific Ocean. This territory is of great interest as it is presumed that P. Beketov’s Cossacks built the first Nerchinsk ostrog (military outpost) in 1653 here. The territory then had a settlement and Nerchinsk Dormition monastery. The monastery was a safe haven to the pioneers of Transbaikalia. At the same time, it was used as a prison for incarcerating dangerous state criminals. In 1730, a disgraced hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Gedeon (G. Dashkov) was kept here under strict supervision. Archaeological excavations allowed us to establish the character of the cultural horizon, obtain various archaeological artifacts, uncover burials and draw initial borders of the necropolis. To the north of the church there are archaeological excavations which search for Gedeon’s grave. Further archaeological excavations are of great necessity. They will allow us to create a fuller image of the church which is one of the symbols of Transbaikalia, as well as of the character of one of the first Russian settlements in the region and outline preservation borders of the historical site. |
Key words | Kalinino village (Monastyrskoye), Nerchisnk Monastery of Dormition, Church of Dormition of the Mother of God, Gedeon (G. Dashkov), cultural horizon, artifacts, necropolis |
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Full article | Archaeological Excavations in the Territory of the Church of Dormition of the Mother of God in Kalinino village, Transbaikalia |