Article name Khoktonga Site – a Stratified Object of the Final Bronze Age – the Early Middle Ages in Mountain-Taiga Zone of Eastern Transbaikalia
Authors Mamkin A.M.Researcher
Afаnas’ev S.A.Head of Research Department, Registration and Protection of Monuments
Bibliographic description Mamkin A. M., Afаnas’ev S. A. Khoktonga Site – a Stratified Object of the Final Bronze Age – the Early Middle Ages in Mountain-Taiga Zone of Eastern Transbaikalia // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 4. PP. 145–152. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-4-145-152.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-4-145-152
UDK 902.2
Article type
Annotation The article presents the research results on the multi-temporal Khoktonga site. On the basis of archaeological work, the dating and stratification of the archaeological site cultural horizons have been determined. The excavations on the western periphery of the site presented by the downslope apron adjacent to the southeastern mountain height have revealed two cultural horizons. The authors have given the generalized characteristics of the found artifacts presented by stone tools, faunal findings, ceramic vessel fragments. The tool set presents a collection of 176 units including nuclei, edge scrapers, scrubbers, arrow pieces. Three of the found fossil bones have been established to belong to bone tools and 66 bones have traces of intentional shear or splitting both for food and for tools. The ceramics is presented by flotated accumulation of incidentally applied vessel fragments of two types: culture of tiled graves and, more numerous group, Burkhotuisky culture. The excavations have revealed the existence of partially re-deposited cultural layer presented by several cultural horizons dated in the range of the Bronze Age to the ethnographic present. In the cultural horizons, two groups of agents – markers directly indicating the belonging to tiled grave culture and Burkhotuisky culture can be found. The authors have made an attempt to give functional interpretation of Khoktonga site.
Key words Khoktonga, Eastern Transbaikalia, archaeological object, culture of tiled graves, Burkhotuisky culture
Article information
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Full articleKhoktonga Site – a Stratified Object of the Final Bronze Age – the Early Middle Ages in Mountain-Taiga Zone of Eastern Transbaikalia