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Article name | Sakhyurtа 1 Site and its Place in the Paleolithic Scheme of Transbaikalia |
Authors | Moroz P.V.Candidate of History, Associate Professor |
Bibliographic description | Moroz P. V. Sakhyurtа 1 Site and its Place in the Paleolithic Scheme of Transbaikalia // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 4. PP. 162–171. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-4-162-171. |
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DOI | 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-4-162-171 |
UDK | 902.2 (571.55) |
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Annotation | The article is devoted to the study of the Stone Age site of Sakhyurta-1 discovered by the author in Aginsk Buryat District in the Trans – Baikal region. The paper analyzes the situation with the location of the Stone Age sites in Eastern Transbaikalia in comparison with the western part of this territory. The author analyzes the reason for the almost complete absence of these sites on the archaeological map of Eastern Transbaikalia and proposes a concept of the connection of the spatial arrangement between sites with paleovolcanoes in the region. In the second part of the publication we characterize the Sakhyurta 1 site associated with the natural raw material yield in Aginsk Buryatsk District, constituting Dunda-Aga paleovolcano. The article characterizes in detail the history of the discovery of this object of the Stone Age, it describes stratigraphic section and the stone industry. As a result, conclusions are drawn about the uniqueness of the identified site and the proximity of the third cultural component to the Kunali site area located in Western Transbaikalia at a distance of more than 500 km from the Sakhyurta 1. The author also expresses the idea of creating a technique for searching the Stone Age sites on the territory of Eastern Transbaikalia based on dislocation of sources of stone-colored raw materials and, above all, paleovolcanoes. An example of the application of this idea may be the discovery of the Sakhyurta 1 site. |
Key words | petroarcheology, paleovolcanoes, Stone Age, Paleolithic, Eastern Transbaikalia, Sakhyurtа-1 |
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Full article | Sakhyurtа 1 Site and its Place in the Paleolithic Scheme of Transbaikalia |