Article name The Mongolian Delegation on the Kalinin Front (According to the Materials of the Collection “On the Front”)
Authors Kuras L.V.Doctor of History, Professor
Bazarov , (), B.V.Doctor of History, Professor, Corressponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies, Siberian Branch,
Tsybenov B.D.Candidate of History
Bibliographic description Bazarov B. V., Kuras L. V., Tsybenov B. D. The Mongolian Delegation on the Kalinin Front (According to the Materials of the Collection “On the front”) // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 4. PP. 172–178. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-4-172-178.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-4-172-178
UDK 94 (47)
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the study of moral support of the Mongolian People’s Republic, which it provided to the Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War. First of all, moral support of the MPR was in sending Mongolian delegations with gifts to the front. The study is based on the Mongolian source “On the front”. The authors investigated the issues of the visit of the Mongolian delegation headed by Chairman of the Presidium of Small Khural of the MPR G. Bumtsende on the Soviet-German front in December 1942. The article includes information about the delegates: their number, profession, nationality. The researchers examined such topical issues as the time of arrival of the Mongolian delegation to the Kalinin front and the routes of the delegation. The authors paid special attention to brief meetings with local people and German prisoners of war. For the first time researchers have studied in detail the route of the delegates of the MPR to various military divisions of the front. The authors found out that the latest weapons of the Red Army, in particular, the Soviet war machine rocket artillery “Katyusha” made a great impression on the delegates. Scientists have carefully studied the visit of the delegates to the 8th Guards Division named after General Panfilov. They got new data about the feat of 28 soldiers of this division, biographies of Panfilov and his daughter, about the literature for the Red Army soldiers in different languages. They also revealed for the first time the names of the soldiers and commanders of the Red Army, who met with Mongolian delegates and were awarded orders and medals of the MPR.
Key words Mongolian People’s Republic, the USSR, Mongolian delegation, Bumtsende, the Red Army, Kalinin front
Article information
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Full articleThe Mongolian Delegation on the Kalinin Front (According to the Materials of the Collection “On the Front”)