Article name Chronicle by O. Amarjargal “On the Origin and Historical Development of the Barga-Buryats” as a Source of Interpretation of Ethnic History and Traditional Culture of the Barga-Buryats
Authors Vanchikova T.P.Doctor of History, Professor
Miyagasheva S.B.Candidate of History
Bibliographic description Vanchikova Ts. P., Miyagasheva S. B. Chronicle by O. Amarjargal “On the Origin and Historical Development of the Barga-Buryats” as a Source of Interpretation of Ethnic History and Traditional Culture of the Barga-Buryats // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 4. PP. 179–189. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-4-179-189.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-4-179-189
UDK 930.2 (093) (510)
Article type
Annotation The article is aimed at studying the manuscript chronicle “On the origin and historical development of the Barga-Buryats” as the source for the history of Barga-Buryats that has not yet been the subject of scholarly interest. It was compiled by O. Amarzhargal, a local historian and collector of various information, who has used many rare sources and documentary materials, largely no longer available now to modern researchers, and on his own records of oral information. The chronicle is a unique source on ethnic history and traditional culture of the Barguts and the Buryats of the Hulun Buir region. The work reflects the main stages of the historical development of the Barguts and the Buryats, which O. Amarzhargal regards as a single Barga-Buryat ethnic group. The authors of this article on the basis of translation of the chronicle from old Mongolian into Russian revealed new ethnographic data and introduced it into the scientific turnover. It has been revealed that various information on migration routes, historical milestones, accession to the Ch’ing empire, resettlement in the Hulun Buir region, religion, administrative structure, traditional culture, national heroes of the Barguts and Buryats of China is kept in this chronicle. A comprehensive analysis of this data can contribute to the possible solution of many debatable issues of the ethnic history of the Mongolian peoples in general.
Key words Barga-Buryats of China, Khulun-Buir, new Barguts, old Barguts, shenehen Buryats, history of Mongolian speaking peoples
Article information
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Full articleChronicle by O. Amarjargal “On the Origin and Historical Development of the Barga-Buryats” as a Source of Interpretation of Ethnic History and Traditional Culture of the Barga-Buryats