Article name Comparative Analysis of the Soyots and Buryats Livestock Breeding
Authors Rassadin I.V.Candidate of History, Researcher
Bibliographic description Rassadin I. V. Comparative Analysis the Soyots and Buryats Livestock Breeding // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 4. PP. 190–195.
UDK 391/393 (571.54)
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to research of history and modern state of traditional types of stock-raising of one of smaller peoples of Siberia – the Soyots. An author investigated a question in a historical prospect and full enough presented the sources base of the investigated question. It is important to say that considering the features of stock-raising, the author showed close intercommunication of two different peoples, their exchange by experience and also likenesses and distinctions in the joint residence in Sayans region. In particular, the study presents likeness in reindeer breeding of the Soyots and reindeer breeding of the Caftanses in Mongolia. Researches of traditional types of stock-breeding of the Sayans, including the Soyots have been conducted before, but not sufficiently. Modern Soyots contacted with the Buriyats for a long time, and the traditional stockbreeding of the Oka Buryats penetrated into stockbreeding of the Soyots. The deer were used as a source of food, material for making clothing, pack and up-river transport vehicle during hunting by the soyots. In general, reindeer breeding of the Oka Soyots, Tsaatans, Tofalars, and Tyva-todzhines can be united into one type of the reindeer breeding, i. e. the Sayan one. Breeding of small cattle and cattle and horse breeding are also examined in the paper.
Key words Oka Soyots, deerbreeding, traditional livestock breeding, seasonal migrations
Article information
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Full articleComparative Analysis of the Soyots and Buryats Livestock Breeding