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Article name | The Tragic Events that “Have Shaken the World”. Review A. V. Konstantinov, N. N. Konstantinova “History of Transbaikal Region (1917–1922)” |
Authors | Kuras L.V.Doctor of History, Professor kuraslv@yandex.ruVanchikova T.P.Doctor of History, Professor |
Bibliographic description | Kuras L. V., Vanchikova Ts. P. The Tragic Events that “Have Shaken the World”. Review A. V. Konstantinov, N. N. Konstantinova “History of Transbaikal Region (1917–1922)” // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 4. PP. 216–221. |
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UDK | 94(41/99) (049.32)(571.55) |
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Annotation | In the article, the manual written for the mass reader containing historical events of the period of revolution and the civil war in Transbaikal region is revised. The publication, in accordance with the declared genre, presents factual material revealing the series of events and especially historical events peculiar for the region. Among them are: a special role of the revolutionary Cossacks in establishment of the Soviet power, the atamans movement, influence of the Japanese intervention on events of the Civil War, “forest communes” and the mass nature of the guerrilla movement, creation of the “buffer” Far Eastern republic. The text is well personified, logic of presentation corresponds to the course of historical events. Factual material alternates with inserts from the memoirs of “red” and “white” participants of the events, archival sources from documentary collections, newspaper publications of 1917–1922. The publication also provides biographical information of the personalities who played a key role in the tragic events that “have shaken the world”. In addition, the manual is perfectly illustrated with photographs of participants, and the events of those years. |
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Full article | The Tragic Events that “Have Shaken the World”. Review A. V. Konstantinov, N. N. Konstantinova “History of Transbaikal Region (1917–1922)” |