Article name Сomparative Aspect of Geographical Terminology of East Transbaikalia
Authors Dyzhitova E.C.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description Dyzhitova E. Ch. Сomparative aspect of geographical terminology of East Transbaikalia // Humanitarian Vector. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 5. PP. 6–10.
UDK 811.51
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to comparative analysis of geographic terminology as lexical basis of substrate toponyms and those of super strata origin on the territory of Eastern Transbaikalia. Geographical terms, presumably, of Selkup linguistic origin, are of material linguistic similarity with the terms of the Buryat language. The methodological basis of investigation is based on comparative and descriptive methods. The attempt of comparative analysis of geographical terminology on the example of the Buryat sheber meaning 1) “thicket, thick forest (with predominance of spruce and larch)’’; 2) tunc. ‘‘the swamp (in the forest)” and Selkup chvor “a place covered with bushes and flooded in spring”, Buryat hunger “valley, hollow log, hollow, valley, a large ravine” and Nenets hengar promotes the establishment of a typologically similar elements in the terms of unrelated languages. This mapping allows us to report on the relevance of more thorough study of the local geographical terminology in comparative, typological aspects to identify and confirm the effects of the Samoyedic languages in a number of Altaic languages, first and foremost, in the Buryat language.
Key words language substrate, diachronic language contact, comparative analysis, typology, geographical terminology, Buryat, Selkup, Nenets
Article information
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Full articleСomparative Aspect of Geographical Terminology of East Transbaikalia