Article | |
Article name | Speaker’s Strategies and Means of their Speech Realization in Public Lectures |
Authors | Nagieva E.B.Postgraduate Student |
Bibliographic description | Nagieva E. B. Strategies of a speaker and means of their speech realization in public lectures // Humanitarian Vector. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 5. PP. 18–24. |
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DOI | |
UDK | 81’26 |
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Annotation | The article deals with a public lecture as one of speech genres which specifity is largely determined by the transformation of special scientific information into non-special knowledge. The communicative conditions of interaction in mass-media field reflect on the organization of public lectures’ texts and the material presentation. Lecturer’s primary objective is to gain understanding of the information by an addressee that predefines prevalence of the explicative way of presentation. The observations are carried out on the material of lecture texts from the project “Academy” of the TV channel “Culture”. The article presents main special aspects of a lecturer speech behavior in the context of mass communication when the author not only transfers information but also aims to make contact with wide audience, to capture the attention, to provoke interest, to induce the emotional response or to create his own character. The effectiveness of such communication largely depends on chosen language strategies and tactics and also language means packaging them. Depending on the strategy prevailing in author’s speech behavior, its tactics and language packaging we offer to distinguish specific lecturers’ types. |
Key words | speech genre, mass communication, public lecture, understanding, explicative way of presentation, speech behavior, speech strategies and tactics |
Article information | |
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Full article | Speaker’s Strategies and Means of their Speech Realization in Public Lectures |