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Article name | Formal Features of Non-Affixal Nouns in Middle High German |
Authors | Gutnikova A.V.Candidate of Philology, Assistant Professor |
Bibliographic description | Gutnikova A. V. Formal features of non-affixal nouns in Middle High German // Humanitarian Vector. 2016. Vol. 11, No 5. PP. 45–50. |
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UDK | 811.112.22 |
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Annotation | The present paper focuses on the analysis of formal features of non-affixal verb- derived nouns in Middle High German (MHG), word-forming affixes of those are not structurally expressed as morphemes. In our case, these are the nouns created by substantivization of verb stems: a) without any change in the root; b) with the alternation of root vowel (ablaut, back mutation, breaking), and with the alternation of root consonants and Verner’s Consonant Shift. In MHG the productive means of non-affixal verb-derived nouns formation is root vowel alternation represented by such phonologic phenomena as ablaut, back mutation and breaking, ablaut being the most productive of those. Verner’s Consonant Shift is observed only as an epiphenomenon of ablaut. While creating derivatives from irregular verbs ablaut ê-a with quantitative consonantal changes is observed in the stem. Quantitative alternation i-u (the zero grade) can be found in most verb-derived stems of the second and third classes verbs, having Germanic alternation i-a-ø-ø in the basis, which in its turn causes homonymy of MHG verb-derived nouns with preterite plural stem. |
Key words | non-affixal verb-derived nouns, substantivization of verb, alternation, structural analysis, ablaut, back mutation, breaking, Middle High German |
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Full article | Formal Features of Non-Affixal Nouns in Middle High German |