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Article name | Border of Synonymic Group in the Ordinary Consciousness of Polish Native Speakers (on a Material of Lexeme “Los” Synonyms) |
Authors | Deeva N.V.Candidate of Рhilology, Аssociate Рrofessor |
Bibliographic description | Deeva N. V. Border of synonymic group in the ordinary consciousness of Polish native speakers (on a material of synonyms of lexeme “los”) // Humanitarian Vector. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 5. PP. 51–56. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2016-11-5-51-56 |
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DOI | 10.21209/1996-7853-2016-11-5-51-56 |
UDK | 811.162.1+ 81’373 |
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Annotation | The article deals with the analysis of borders of synonyms of the Polish lexeme “los” in the ordinary consciousness of native speakers. A broader list of words, which are included into synonymic group with a dominant “los” by native speakers allows talking about the other measures using for determination of proximity of words meanings as compared to the traditional systems approach to the description of the lexis. Expansion of synonymic group occurs because of inclusion of the words of other parts of speech, collocations, idioms, antonyms, proper names, etc. Synonymic group in the ordinary human consciousness is often formed from the synonymy of sense rather than meanings. This synonymic group is the result of interpretation of the meanings of words not only in frame of language, but also the encyclopedic knowledge of the individual, his social experience and emotional evaluation. Research of such synonymic groups by methods of modern psycholinguistics and cognitive linguistics can help to specify the nature of synonymy. |
Key words | lexical synonyms, synonymic group, ordinary consciousness, the Polish language |
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Full article | Border of Synonymic Group in the Ordinary Consciousness of Polish Native Speakers (on a Material of Lexeme “Los” Synonyms) |