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Article name | Zoonyms as Human Nominations in the Novel Dauria by K. F. Sedykh as a Reflection of the Fragment of Trans-Baikal Cossacks’ Linguistic Worldview |
Authors | Plyaskina E.I.Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor |
Bibliographic description | Plyaskina E. I. Zoonyms as Human Nominations in the Novel Dauria by K. F. Sedykh as a Reflection of the Fragment of Trans-Baikal Cossacks’ Linguistic Worldview // Humanitarian Vector. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 5. PP. 84–90. |
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DOI | |
UDK | 408.7 |
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Annotation | The article discusses numerous enough and interesting to the researcher semantic field of zoonyms, i.e names of animals (such as guran, tarbagan, stallion, dog, boar, dog, tsepnik, pustolayka and others), used in metaphorically connotative meanings in the novel Dauria by K. F. Sedykh, describing the life of the Trans-Baikal Cossacks. The analysis of the thematic group in which they are combined and component analysis of the word meanings and contexts of semantic analysis revealed lexical-semantic specificity of these words in dialect, which gives an idea about the system of values of the Cossacks formed as part of their linguistic worldview. Features of the thematic groups consisting in the quantity and quality of its member lexical units (except all-Russian, because this group includes a dialect, there are no positively evaluated nominations, etc.), relations between them, the ability to use these lexemes as appeals, way of expressing negative feelings in the frequency of use attached to the regional peculiarity fragment “man” in the linguistic worldview of the Trans-Baikal Cossacks. In general, the situations of communication in which zoonyms are used reflect all-Russian (Christian) moral values. |
Key words | linguistic worldview, thematic group, lexical-semantic group, lexical-semantic variant, direct and figurative meaning, connotative meaning |
Article information | |
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Full article | Zoonyms as Human Nominations in the Novel Dauria by K. F. Sedykh as a Reflection of the Fragment of Trans-Baikal Cossacks’ Linguistic Worldview |