Article name Journalist Codes and Journalism Practice: Nonintersecting Parallels?
Authors Dzialoshinskiy I.М.Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Faculty of Communications, Media and Design
Dzyaloshinskaya M.I.Candidate of Philology
Bibliographic description Dzialoshinskiy I. М., Dzyaloshinskaya M. I. Journalist codes and journalism practice: nonintersecting parallels? // Humanitarian Vector. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 5. PP. 100–109. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2016-11-5-100-109
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2016-11-5-100-109
UDK 070
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the analysis of violations of journalistic ethics in the Russian media. As the empirical material, expert works of graduate students, undergraduate students of the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University and the Faculty of Communications, Media and Design at HSE are used, they were carried out in 2011 and 2016. Using the method of intentanalysis, students determined the types and the number of violations of journalistic ethics. The following typological groups of violations of journalistic ethics: invasion of privacy; pollution and poisoning of the minds of children and adolescents; the imposition of a false agenda (creating an illusory picture of the world); the imposition of obscurantism (a promotion of mysticism); incitement of social aggression and intolerance; the destruction of moral values; the creation and imposition of stereotyped images (idols and rejected); trauma to the psyche of the people (creating feelings of fear and hopelessness), destruction (damage to reputation; the formation of unrealistic life scenarios. On the basis of the analysis performed, it is concluded that the forms of professional conduct, which in all journalistic codes are considered as impermissible, in real practice of Russian journalists are evaluated as “normal.” Moreover, we formulated the hypothesis that because of the frequency of occurrence of violations of journalistic ethics, there is some logic, we can assume that violations of journalistic ethics are not a manifestation of professional negligence, a response to some public need.
Key words professional ethics of journalists, media reality, journalism, agenda, socially responsibility of journalists
Article information
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