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Article name | Political Games of Modern Show Business In Television: Discourse Manipulation |
Authors | Il’chenko S.N.Doctor of Philology |
Bibliographic description | Il’chenko S. N. Political games of modern show business in television: discourse manipulation // Humanitarian Vector. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 5. PP. 110–115. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2016-11-5-110-115 |
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DOI | 10.21209/1996-7853-2016-11-5-110-115 |
UDK | 32.019.51 |
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Annotation | The article is devoted to analysis of contemporary television content from the point of view of the concept of civilization. The works by both foreign researchers and works of the author have served as the theoretical basis for scientific analysis of modern television content. Review of primary empirical material is focused on the problem of manipulating the consciousness of the audience in the context of the use of different formats and genres of national and foreign television. In this connection, the author considers the problem of the reliability of the essential pieces of content that defines the context of information confrontation, which marked the modern media space. The article provides many examples of obviously incorrect use of stereotypes interpretation of source information, facts, events, opinions, judgments, characteristic of the practice of foreign broadcasting electronic media and specific journalists. The author identifies such precedents as the phenomenon of fake journalism. They are defined as fakes. The article reveals the manipulative mechanism of their formation. Among those selected by the author for the analysis of the thematic information of modern trends of electronic media are the following: the conflict in Ukraine; current terrorist acts; anti- Russian propaganda campaign linked with charges of the Russian Federation in aggressive foreign policy and corruption; doping scandals in sport. |
Key words | TV, fake, show-civilization, manipulation, formats, genres, show-business |
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Full article | Political Games of Modern Show Business In Television: Discourse Manipulation |