Article name The Mass-Media Discourse in the Aspect of Realizing the Strategy of State National Politics in the Russian Federation before 2025 (on the Material of Publications about Derbent City in 2015)
Authors Reva , ; E.K.Doctor of Philology, Professor
Bibliographic description Reva E. K. The mass-media discourse in the aspect of realizing the strategy of state national politics in the Russian Federation before 2025 (on the material of publications about Derbent city in 2015) // Humanitarian Vector. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 5. PP. 116–121. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2016-11-5-116-121
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2016-11-5-116-121
UDK 002
Article type
Annotation The provided research accents a problem of Journalism resources in aspect of implementation of tasks of Strategy of the state national policy of the Russian Federation for the period till 2025. The provisions stated in the document, availability of the Actions plans concretizing Strategy for its implementation require the intermediate analysis of action of the specified regulating documents. It determines relevance of this work. In materials of the newspaper and journal publications united by a general subject of celebration of the 2000th anniversary of the city of Derbent foundation, the structural and semantic models serving for disclosure of a plan of the statement are allocated: topos of ethnocultural diversity, topos of safety, topos of respect for national culture by means of which the ideological basis of the considered political doctrinal document is realized in media texts. Besides the application of the typological and culturological analysis, during the research the genre analysis of materials of periodicals is carried out; the signs influencing features of the embodiment of tasks of Strategy in genres of an expanded note, the reporting of two versions are allocated (event and informative). The author concludes that functioning of topos in the media text and features of implementation of tasks of Strategy are influenced by the specifics of a genre. Paying attention to the long-term action of the document, the research determines the prospects of further studying of a question for information support of the purposes and tasks of the strategic document.
Key words state national politics, journalism, periodical press, genre, topos, ethnic culture
Article information
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Full articleThe Mass-Media Discourse in the Aspect of Realizing the Strategy of State National Politics in the Russian Federation before 2025 (on the Material of Publications about Derbent City in 2015)