Article name Problem of Terrorism in the French Weekly Press (Based on L’Express, L’Obs and Le Point of 2015–2016)
Authors Subbotin I.A.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description Subbotin I. A. Problem of Terrorism in the French weekly press (based on L’Express, L’Obs and Le Point of 2015–2016) // Humanitarian Vector. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 5. РP. 130–136. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2016-11-5-130-136
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2016-11-5-130-136
UDK 811 : 002. 703.0
Article type
Annotation This research analyzes articles in French weekly press dedicated to acts of terrorism, committed by Islamists in 2015–2016. As a material for this work we used publications from the leading news magazines L’Express, L’Obs, Le Point. Our choice has been made due to the fact that the news-magazines are different from other types of press as they contain a large share of analytics and investigations devoted to current problems. France, where the largest Muslim community in Europe is situated, has lately become a victim of large-scale terrorist attacks organized by radical Islamic groups three times. The Fifth Republic faced with a series of terrorist attacks in January 2015 which began with the shooting of the board of the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo in Paris, with the attacks on the concert hall stadium and bars in the capital on November 13 of the same year and also with the terrorist attack in Nice on July 14, 2016, when a track crashed into a crowd. The study concluded that the French weekly press covering the terrorist attacks has focused on the difference between Islam and Islamism, on the internal security issue and on the Muslim immigrant integration. Also we concluded that news magazines began to use new terms such as “hyperterrorism” and “radicalisation flash”.
Key words terrorism, Islamism, weekly news magazines, media, France, L’Obs, Le Point, L’Express
Article information
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Full articleProblem of Terrorism in the French Weekly Press (Based on L’Express, L’Obs and Le Point of 2015–2016)