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Article name | To the History of Mongolian Hand-Written Ganjur and about Contemporary Researches of the Buddhist Canonic Compendiums |
Authors | Vanchikova T.P.Doctor of History, Professor |
Bibliographic description | Vanchikova Ts. P. To the history of Mongolian hand-written Ganjur and about contemporary researches of the Buddhist canonic compendiums // Humanitarian Vector. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 5. PP. 157–165. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2016-11-5-157-165 |
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DOI | 10.21209/1996-7853-2016-11-5-157-165 |
UDK | 8/ 299.4 |
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Annotation | In the article a short survey of the emergence of the Buddhist canon Tripitaka in Ancient India, its distribution and translation of two Buddhist canonic compilations – Ganjur and Dandjur from Tibetan into Mongolian is given. Translation activity promoted the formation of classic written Mongolian language, development of philological knowledge, both in Tibet, and in Mongolia, development of standard terminology, to creation of special terminological bilingual dictionaries as Mahavyutpatti for the translation of the canon from Sanskrit into Tibetan at the beginning of the 9th century and the dictionary “The Source of sages” for the translation from Tibetan into Mongolian, and a special alphabet Ali-gali for transliterating foreign words and terms into Mongolian. In the article we consider the history of compiling of the first Buddhist canons in Mongolian: the handwritten Golden Ganjur compiled under the auspices of Chakhar Ligdan-khan of 1628–1629, as well as the Red Beijing xylographic edition of 1720 and printed Beijing edition of Danjur of 1749. Data about a unique set of the Mongolian Ganjur stored in the Mongolian collection of the Centre of oriental manuscripts and xylographs of the IMBTS of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences is of interest. The importance of studying written heritage is caused by their value and role in spiritual culture of the peoples and it is admitted by all researchers of the Mongolian written culture, including Buddhist canons. In this regard the last publications of Buddhist canons and their catalogs, especially the most grandiose of which is Ganjur and Danjur’s publication in 400 volumes, collected works of two outstanding Buddhist figures and a unique collection of ritual texts published in the People’s Republic of China in 2007–2010 are analyzed and also the main current trends of their studying are specified. |
Key words | Buddhist canon, Tripitaka, translating canon, Ganjur, Danjur, catalogues of canons, contemporary publications |
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Full article | To the History of Mongolian Hand-Written Ganjur and about Contemporary Researches of the Buddhist Canonic Compendiums |