Article name On the Problem of the Tibetan Medical Texts Translation (the Case of the 31st Chapter of the 2nd Volume of the rGyud bzhi)
Authors Zhabon Y.Z.Candidate of History
Bibliographic description Zhabon Yu. Zh. On the problem of the Tibetan medical texts translation (the case study of the 31st chapter of the 2nd volume of the rGyud bzhi) // Humanitarian Vector. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 5. PP. 166–171.
UDK 93/99 (093) (515)
Article type
Annotation The article deals with special terms, which have been elaborated in the Tibetan tradition to define various types of commentaries on the “root text” of Tibetan medicine – the rGyud bzhi. Also in this article the author has analyzed inaccuracy of the translation into Russian of some Tibetan words and difficult phrases found in the Russian edition of the rGyud bzhi (the case of the chapter 31, the 2nd volume). In particular, it refers to the translations of the Tibetan words bsam pa, sems, yid as “soul”, and the varieties of the exact equivalents of these words are given. It is argued that the use of the word “soul” in the translations of these Tibetan words in the medical texts contradicts both their semantics and Buddhist concepts. Special attention is given to dictionary definitions, explanations in Tibetan commentaries and recommendations for the most accurate translation of difficult Tibetan expressions like spyi bor bkur mi ‘gyur and bya bas bya gtong. The author suggests using the terms and definitions that are adopted within this specific system of knowledge and cultural traditions. A scientific and practical value of the given work is that it provides the basis for more accurate translation of Tibetan medical texts in future.
Key words Tibetan medical texts, Tibetan commentaries, “root text”, the canon of Tibetan medicine rGyud bzhi, rGyud bzhi translation problem, oriental studies, source studies, history of Tibetan medicine, “soul”
Article information
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Full articleOn the Problem of the Tibetan Medical Texts Translation (the Case of the 31st Chapter of the 2nd Volume of the rGyud bzhi)