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Article name | Introduction of Senior Preschool Children into the World of the Russian Language |
Authors | Akhmetova M.N.Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor |
Bibliographic description | Akhmetova M. N. Introduction of Senior Preschool Children into the World of Russian Language // Humanitarian Vector. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 5. PР. 178–183. |
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UDK | 372.3 |
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Annotation | New strategies of the upbringing and development of senior preschool children mean their introduction into the developmental and educational environment, as well as new technological solutions. According to the metaphorical words by S. L. Rubinstein, the senior preschool children are at the parting of their ways, as the stage of the infant wholeness became their past, but they have not reached the steady harmony yet. The preschool children enter the world of the Russian language under the conditions of enrichment of the sphere of personal experience and objective and playing environment. The children get over the situations of fails, searching for themselves and their “Ego”. The article deals with all these “nonlinear” variations, new worldview of the development, spontaneous activity of the preschool children which means the rationale for transferring of the act from teachers to pupils. According to L. S. Vygotsky, the upbringing process is transferred from teacher’s hands to pupil’s hands. Thus, the sensible introduction of the senior preschool children into the social relations is implemented. The article presents the paradigms of the first stage of preschool education, such as the personal, the cognitive and informational, the communicative, and the competency-based one; their conceptual essence and their interrelation are covered. The main concepts of these paradigms determine the direction and nature of the transformations of the process where the children are considered to be the most emotional subjects. The system of interrelated concepts of “emotion”, “communication”, and “image” developed by us could be important for the educators. The introduction of senior preschool children into the world of the Russian language is implemented by means of these concepts. |
Key words | concepts, “emotion”, “communication”, “image”, “spontaneous activity” |
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Full article | Introduction of Senior Preschool Children into the World of the Russian Language |