Article name Radio Broadcast of University as Information and Educational Environment for the Professional Adaptation of Students-Journalists
Authors Sal’nikova N.V.Candidate of Philology, Assistant Professor
Shestyorkina L.P.Doctor of Philology, Professor
Bibliographic description Shesterkina L. P., Sal’nikova N. V. The radio broadcast of university as information and educational environment for the professional adaptation of students-journalists // Humanitarian Vector. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 5. РP. 184–189. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2016-11-5-184-189
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2016-11-5-184-189
UDK 378.016:070 + 070 + 316.774:654.19
Article type
Annotation Relevance of the research is determined by organization of the media at universities, including radio stations, focused on professional adaptation of students-journalists. These media centers today play not only educational and supportive role in the theoretical training of students, but are independent broadcast stations with their conc+ept, form of broadcasting, program policy, the established editorial team. The aim of the work is in the detailed consideration of the specifics of modern educational radio laboratory, on the example of the studio of the South Ural State University. The results can be used by both theoreticians and radio practitioners in their professional activities. Practical significance of this study is especially important, as it allows us to show the example of successfully developing educational radio laboratory, to trace the main stages of it as a university media with a unique way to spread their content in the elevators of the main building of the university and the federal Internet platform. Thus, the study identified the main goals and objectives of today’s university media, described the experience of integration of young journalists in the professional media environment, characterized by basic design techniques used in the media.
Key words journalism, university broadcasting, design technology, format, professional environment
Article information
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Full articleRadio Broadcast of University as Information and Educational Environment for the Professional Adaptation of Students-Journalists