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Article name | Russian Modern Society Ideology Design as a Destination for Intellectuals |
Authors | Kudashov V.I.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor vkudashov@mail.ruRavochkin N.N.Candidat of Philosophy, Associate Professor |
Bibliographic description | Kudashov V. I., Ravochkin N. N. Russian Modern Society Ideology Design as a Destination for Intellectuals // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 3. PP. 15–22. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-3-15-22. |
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DOI | 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-3-15-22 |
UDK | 316 |
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Annotation | This article is devoted to one of the most pressing problems in transforming Russian society – the problem of designing a conceptually new state ideology in order to overcome ideological search. The basis for the study is the analysis of the phenomenon of ideology with reference to the works of classics and modern researchers. The article correlates the identified approaches with the crisis situation in today’s Russian society. Based on K. Mannheim’s concept of the sociology of knowledge, the authors determine the cases when the update on state ideologies occurred either at the level of the supportive policy approved by the majority of the population or after the triumphs of protest movements. Turning to research focusing on the transformation of modern societies, the authors postulate a thesis about intellectuals who are a group that is most interested in overcoming the contradictions, accompanied by changes in the spiritual realm. It is shown that after overcoming Soviet ideology and failed attempts to come to a capitalist society the level of trust and willingness to change in Russia’s population has declined. Arguing that life outside ideology is impossible, the authors outline three ways of indoctrinating Russia, i. e. creating a new state ideology. The program and design path is more promising than others. In addition, in designing a new ideology, along with the state, intellectuals should participate and perform the role of an active subject in the modern world. The authors point out that intellectuals have the necessary creative potential, useful for the design of a new ideology on which, in view of their tasks, their mission is based. |
Key words | ideology, intellectuals, transformations, social life, ideology design, the population of Russia |
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Full article | Russian Modern Society Ideology Design as a Destination for Intellectuals |