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Article name | The Method of Innovation in the Process of Higher Education Internationalization in the Context of “One Belt – One Road” Geoeconomic Strategy |
Authors | Sun Yan ..Lecturer |
Bibliographic description | Sun Yan. The Method of Innovation in the Process of Higher Education Internationalization in the Context of “One Belt – One Road” Geoeconomic Strategy // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 3. PP. 30–34. |
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UDK | 378 |
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Annotation | The strategic ideas of the geoeconomic policy “One Belt – One Road” do not only promote the development of partnerships between the states, but also provide great prospects in the field of higher education and the training of highly qualified personnel. In the context of this policy, higher education institutions of the countries participating in the belt of the New Economic Silk Road should strengthen innovative technologies in the field of education, develop education systems, improve training programs, increase the number of students and combine training with research practices. However, in the issues of China’s advancement of educational programs in the countries of the New Economic Silk Road, there are also considerable difficulties. One of the main problems is a shortage of teachers who are proficient both in Chinese and foreign languages in the countries of the “One Belt – One Road” region. The article uses the methods of theoretical analysis, generalization of scientific literature, periodicals and materials of the Internet. This article results in clarifying the methods of training highly qualified personnel, who combine the best teaching experience of other countries with their own experience, improving the teaching methodology and the system of disciplines, improving the quality of teaching under the programs of cooperation with foreign countries and developing the sphere of cooperation in training and educating international specialists in different sectors of the economy. |
Key words | “One Belt – One Road”, internationalization, concept innovation, higher education, training of highly qualified personnel |
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Full article | The Method of Innovation in the Process of Higher Education Internationalization in the Context of “One Belt – One Road” Geoeconomic Strategy |