Article name On the Limits to the Generational Theory Applicability in Modern Philosophy of History
Authors Chistanov M.N.Doctor of Philosophy , Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Chistanov M. N. On the Limits to the Generational Theory Applicability in Modern Philosophy of History // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 3. PP. 35–39. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-3-35-39.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-3-35-39
UDK 101.1:168:930.2
Article type
Annotation There is a shortage of new theories in modern philosophy of history. During the twentieth century, the basic concepts in philosophy of history were consistently disavowed: the idea of the objective historical process and social progress, the neo-Kantian theory of historical cognition, the phenomenological and hermeneutic concept of the subject’s internal historicism, the analytic philosophy of history. The last major attempt to create a historical epistemology based on the theory of the historical narrative ends with the recognition of the irrational nature of the latter. In these circumstances, empirical theories get a new chance. Since the main feature of empirical research is the search for all kinds of repeatability, in recent decades, a massive return to cyclic models can be observed. One of these theories is the theory of generations, proposed by American researchers W. Strauss and N. Howe. Since the representatives of the same generation have common values and tastes, the model of Strauss and Howe was very popular in marketing research and later some attempts were made to use it in other economic and social disciplines. However, upon a closer look this approach does not have any serious ontological foundations and needs a serious philosophical revision.
Key words philosophy of history, historical epistemology, generational theory, ontological foundations, empirical methodology
Article information
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