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Article name | The Boundaries of Technical Consciousness: Unthinkable vs. Impossible |
Authors | Nesterov A.Y.Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor |
Bibliographic description | Nesterov A. Yu. The Boundaries of Technical Consciousness: Unthinkable vs. Impossible // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 3. PP. 60–66. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-3-60-66. |
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DOI | 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-3-60-66 |
UDK | 11 |
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Annotation | The article discusses the possibility of analyzing the classical problem of self-consciousness in the context of the philosophy of technology. The question of development is posed in the form of the concept of technical complexity of consciousness from the first nature to the third nature. Technical consciousness is understood as a set of procedures in which a person creates “new” or artificial objects. Nature is understood as the environment in which the person is included due to innate and acquired skills, like the background, which on a pragmatic level ensures the processes of semiosis. Culture is understood as a semiosis in the proper sense, as it is carried out by man and other living beings. The article discusses the scheme of the correlation of the terms “thinkable”, “unthinkable”, “possible” and “impossible”. The growth of self-consciousness implies emancipation in the cognition of the worlds and environments in which people are involved, a consistent refusal to identify “oneself” with perception, emotions, logic, or technique. The technical development from the first to the third nature shows that the human is to learn the rules of connecting independently existing worlds: a person only leads them to collaborate, neither creates nor destroys them. The growth of self-consciousness is due to the discovery of the objectivity of nature, firstly, as the world of physical laws, then logic and grammar as the world of self-contained logical and grammatical rules, the mental sphere, generating subjective images and emotions, and finally, the world of technology or techno-sphere as an infinite set of preset forms of decisions and actions. |
Key words | technical consciousness, (un)thinkable, (im)possible, philosophy of technology, third nature |
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Full article | The Boundaries of Technical Consciousness: Unthinkable vs. Impossible |