Article name М. Heidegger: Irreversibility of Time-being
Authors Spector D.M.Candidate of Architecture, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Spector D. M. М. Heidegger: Irreversibility of Time-being // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 3. PP. 75–84. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-3-75-84.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-3-75-84
UDK 1.11
Article type
Annotation This article discusses the aspects of temporality in the light of Heidegger’s philosophy. The most careful attention is paid to the being of being and the “primordial temporality”.The critique in the first part of the article is methodological and is aimed at phenomenology positions, which are compared with those reliabilities of a historical nature that in principle do not fall into the circle of introspection. In particular, the interpretation of being in its phenomenological frame is compared with the dialectic of “social being” that precedes “here-” (subject) and historically creates it (the conditions of its possibility).Since this is so, the article questions the initial connection of here-being and consciousness-being as well as “aspiration” being, implicitly including non-deployed “time”. The autonomy of hypothetical time, deduced from the circle of consciousness, leads to an ontological rupture with “concern”; the latter also does not rest on the foundation of being and is clothed in the forms of external circumstances. It naturally leads to the constitution of two forms of time, one of which is true (the cognition of being as consciousness being), while the other is “common” (not true). The speculative premise deprives “time” of a number of extremely significant predicates, including those caused by its dialogical and agonal character.The scientific novelty of the research lies in consistent summarizing the circumstances of the emergence of man as a social being. “Here,” under which the prototype of the individual (of a separate being) is brought, tends to the commоnality of being, but also recreates the latter in aspiration; being keeps “here” (subjectum) on the edge of falling through a series of arrangements, the general conditions of their being are time and space. Time in this connection acquires an understandable purpose and history that is radically different from the “history of consciousness being (being-consciousness).
Key words being, here-being, consciousness, aspiration, being-towards-death, irreversibility, otherness
Article information
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Full articleМ. Heidegger: Irreversibility of Time-being