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Article name | Illocution Concept in Speech Act Theory by John Austin |
Authors | Chistanova S.S.Candidate of Culturology, Associate Professor |
Bibliographic description | Chistanova S. S. Illocution Concept in Speech Act Theory by John Austin // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 3. PP. 85–90. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-3-85-90. |
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DOI | 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-3-85-90 |
UDK | 81:1 (81:42) |
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Annotation | This article focuses on linguistic philosophy, namely, the theory of speech acts by John Austin. The object of research of this theory is the act of speech uttered in a situation of direct communication. Austin divided all speech acts into three types of actions: locutionary, illocutionary, perlocutionary. A locutionary act is a spoken statement, an illocutionary act is an expression of something related to the purpose, to the conditions of the act, a perlocutionary act is the achievement of a certain emotional effect. Austin tried to determine and classify illocutionary speech acts by identifying illocutionary verbs. Illocutionary verbs should be used with the first person singular present indicative active form. Austin suggested the following classification of illocutionary verbs according to the irillocutionary force: verdictives, exercitives, commissives, behabitives, expositives. Austin did not give a precise definition of the illocutionary speech act and illocutionary verbs. He described the illocutionary speech acts, collected and classified illocutionary verbs in English. This is the main flaw of Austin’s theory: for each language it is necessary to give its own definition and collect verbs. It is too primitive in relation to such a complex object. Another flaw of Austin’s theory is the general lack of philosophical linguistic theories: they are rarely used in practice to analyze the text. Therefore, the theory of Austin has plenty of followers among linguists. The author of the article is interested in the possibility of applying the principles of the speech act theory to the analysis of specific texts. For the analysis the national anthem of Khakassia is taken. It is a text of advertising, historical and political nature. It was within the framework of the Oxford school that linguistic philosophy emerged, studying the special “logics” of the functioning of everyday language. |
Key words | philosophy of language, theory of speech acts, illocutionary act, text analysis, anthem of the Republic of Khakassia |
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Full article | Illocution Concept in Speech Act Theory by John Austin |