Article name The Interior as a “Portrait of the Room”: Modern Possibilities for Preserving Cultural Heritage
Authors Grishanina N.Y.Consultant
Bibliographic description Grishanina N. Yu. The Interior as a “Portrait of the Room”: Modern Possibilities for Preserving Cultural Heritage // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 3. PP. 106–114.
UDK 008:72
Article type
Annotation The article deals with some modern aspects of preserving cultural heritage, theoretical principles of restoration work and practical materials, experience of interiors restoration from the technological point of view and from the point of view of philosophical comprehension of the past. The methodological basis of the study is a comparative-historical approach. The study uses the methods of comparative and historical analysis, monitoring of the technical condition of cultural heritage sites. On the basis of the work carried out, the author puts forward a position that restoration is an important element in the formation of the socio-cultural component of social relations, as well as a modern way of translating the traditions of the people. The analysis of theoretical and practical issues of the restoration of architectural monuments allows the author to identify the context of a single socio-cultural environment based on the performance of the functions of various levels by the monument, aimed at ensuring continuity in the display of values, organizing human relationships with their social and cultural heritage in order to ensure the effectiveness of mutual contacts, formulating directions for optimizing the work of the restorers.The author considers a range of scientific problems in the perspective that traditionally the interior was considered part of culture, the historical interior was part of cultural heritage, it belonged to the sphere of art, it accommodated architectural decisions, various technologies and methods of creation, including painting, drawing, textual human knowledge. In the 18th-20th centuries the interior performed also aesthetic functions. Restoration works became the materials for monitoring under the leadership of the Ministry of Culture in the early 21st century. The results of the research will become part of the concept of design and restoration work of the interiors of architectural monuments in Russia in the 18th and 20th centuries.
Key words culture, cultural heritage, comparative and historical approach, monitoring, restoration, socio-cultural environment
Article information
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Full articleThe Interior as a “Portrait of the Room”: Modern Possibilities for Preserving Cultural Heritage