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Article name | The Notion of Woman’s Ritual Impurity in Traditional Culture |
Authors | Treshchenok Y.M.Postgraduate Student |
Bibliographic description | Treshchenok Yu. M. The Notion of Woman’s Ritual Impurity in Traditional Culture // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 3. PP. 140–147. |
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UDK | 2-5(470) |
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Annotation | The duality of the female nature inherent in archaic worldviews has its origins in the idea of the ambivalent nature of death that represents itself in two principles constructing the mytho-ritual scenarios of rites of passage. In a woman who possesses the ability of childbirth, two complementary worldview principles are implemented: “life as an opposition to death”, “death as a source of life”. Death, being the logical opposite of life, at the same time, is a threshold. Death confirms the fact of the transition, the change of the status, and is the guarantor of its irreversibility. Death, like a woman, in traditional culture is both a source of good and the danger of the destructive influence of the other sphere. In this article the author attempts to reveal a connection between a woman and the other world, to analyze the nature and the source of ideas about the ritual impurity and its origin. The ritual impurity of a woman which is understood by traditional culture in the same way as the impurity of a newborn and a deceased, determines the woman’s borderline position and simultaneous orientation to two opposite zones of mytho-ritual space: the otherworldly world and this world. The duality of death that reveals itself in fertility rituals attracts dual characteristics to the image of women and femininity, causes the duality of an image of a woman and femininity, while the image of death assimilates feminine features. In addition to the woman herself, the nature of ambivalence is appropriated by everything connected with child-bearing: blood, being the universal symbol of life and the receptacle of the soul, acquires the face of death. |
Key words | ritual, traditional culture, fertility rituals, ambivalence of death, rites of passage, ritual impurity |
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Full article | The Notion of Woman’s Ritual Impurity in Traditional Culture |