Article name Methodology of Cossacks Identity Research in the Context of the Concept of Social Constructivism
Authors Filimonov A.V.External Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description Filimonov A. V. Methodology of Cossacks Identity Research in the Context of the Concept of Social Constructivism // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 3. PP. 148–156. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-3-148-156.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-3-148-156
UDK 316.34
Article type
Annotation The article proposes the development of a constructivist approach to the analysis of Russian Cossacks studies. By carrying out the comparative analysis, the author shows that a basic concept of a discourse about Cossacks is identity. It is understood as a tool, used for forming adaptive skills that ensure the adaptation of a person to the conditions of the changing social environment that fulfills the role of the “vital world” and at the same time being a product of society and person’s vital activity. The author is convinced that in this concept there is no place to the ideas about the possibility of the initial state of consciousness as a certain reality, subsequently reformed due to social changes. This position reflects the view of modernist anthropology, considering social groups as situational communities, depending only on the actual intergroup interaction. According to the author, this methodology originated from the definition of Cossacks as a social construct, having diffusion parameters and used by various subjects of social and political action for different purposes. The concept of “Cossacks” is polysemantic, as it is understood both as a historical phenomenon and as a noumenon, i. e. the product of philosophical contemplation, whose essence remains hidden. In the social world the Russian Cossacks are a special social construct within the Russian social framework, which has been developed as a result of an urgent need for the Russian government to protect state borders. As the latter, it was present in pre-revolutionary Russian society in the form of a social stratum, created on the basis of social and professional characteristics. With subsequent changes of social conditions, first of all, connected with the termination of state support for the Cossacks, Cossacks’ identity underwent changes up to the refusal of the Cossacks to consider themselves the representatives of this social stratum.
Key words constructivism, structuralism, social construct, Cossacks, Cossack, multiple identity, diffusion identity
Article information
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