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Article name | Professional Deficits of University Teachers in the Context of Key Competences of Creative Industries Specialists |
Authors | Gomboeva M.I.Doctor of Culturology, Professor |
Bibliographic description | Gomboeva M. I. Professional Deficits of University Teachers in the Context of Key Competences of Creative Industries Specialists // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 3. PP. 162–170. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2017- 12-3-162-170. |
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DOI | 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-3-162-171 |
UDK | 378:377.112 |
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Annotation | This study aims to actualize the discussion of professional deficits of art and design educational programs lecturers in the context of development of modern directions in art industries and compliance of their competences with the requirements of educational and professional standards. As a rule, correlation of professional deficits of professional education teachers is determined by the objectives of attestation. They are revealed and studied as a deviation from normal functioning of the program in the conditions of realization of Federal state educational standards (FSES) in different fields and industry professional standards (PS). According to the theory of personnel management, such an attitude to deficits is a reflection of “tough management”, fixing current state of professional teachers’ competence, this kind of management is not effective as it is “tail management” (management through solving recurring problems), according to coincidental effects. Some practices of university preparation to accreditation and attestation of different types aimed at revealing and overcoming “deviations” and “inconsistencies” in teachers’ professional competences have shown that there is a delayed reaction to critical situations when it is pointless to make managerial decisions. Meanwhile, development mechanisms, innovations, change management are not taken into account and are not practiced. Forecasting management function in university management does not work because of a system contradiction. The functioning system of management, organization and quality (as some definiteness in philosophical sense) of the university educational process is the most conservative among other processes in spite of the fact that it seems to be constantly renewing. It does not meet the forecasting needs of development perspectives of not only the future professions but also the labour market. The educational curricula are changed, competences and evaluation systems are corrected, new criteria in determining the effectiveness of educational process appear. However, the total practice of process management is the one that overtakes production, didactic-methodological, scientific and innovative changes in industries which is strange for a future “supporting institution of higher education”. |
Key words | professional deficits, qualification, professional functions, reliability in professional activity, subject and methodical deficits, professional teacher’s dignity |
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Full article | Professional Deficits of University Teachers in the Context of Key Competences of Creative Industries Specialists |