Article name Unknown Works by V. A. Kurochkin
Authors Pankratova T.B.Doctoral Candidate
Bibliographic description Pankratova T. B. Unknown Works by V. A. Kurochkin // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 2. PP. 13–21.
UDK 821.16
Article type
Annotation Viktor Aleksandrovich Kurochkin’s creativity has not been thoroughly studied in domestic literary criticism and needs expanded studying. Perhaps, the reason for that were his courageous views in relation to the party which he displayed in the works. In his creativity, he aspired to the embodiment of the art truth, without wishing to adapt and please censorship, and didn’t agree to compromises, as well as many of his heroes defending justice and the views. Few works on his creativity do not consider all his works. In them researchers generally address his most known works while some of his works are almost not known to the reader at all. Viktor Aleksandrovich Kurochkin in domestic literary criticism is often unfairly represented as the author of one famous story At War as at War, very seldom remembering rural stories (Nadenka from Apolevo, The last spring, Freak), or the incomplete story Iron Rain. However, Kurochkin has both dramaturgic and scenario experiences, interesting stories and feuilletons and many other things. In the article, some unknown and little-known works of the writer are considered. Works are analyzed both in the context of other works by Viktor Kurochkin, and in the context of works of writers of Kurochkin’s generation. It is publicly told about some works for the first time. The article expands the idea of Viktor Kurochkin’s creativity, gives a representation of features of stylistics of the writer and changes representation of the literary process in the 1950–1960s.
Key words unknown works, articles, feuilletons, humour, irony, the nature, works about war
Article information
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Full articleUnknown Works by V. A. Kurochkin