Article name Analysis of the Collection of Graphic Adaptations of Short Stories by Andrei Platonov Flowers on the Ground
Authors Yudin L.A.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description Yudin L. A. Analysis of the Collection of Graphic Adaptations of Short Stories by Andrei Platonov Flowers on the Ground // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 2. PP. 29–35. DOI 10/21209/1996-7853-2017-12-2-29-35.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-2-29-35
UDK 82-311.5
Article type
Annotation The object of the study in this article is a compilation of graphic adaptations Flowers on the ground based on the stories by Andrei Platonov. Stories Yushka, Iron old woman, Tree of the motherland, Flower on the ground, The Return, The cow and unknown flower. By the graphic adaptations we mean comics based on literary works. The graphic stories Yushka, Flower on the ground, The cow and unknown flower are analyzed in this article. The article describes the basic methods of transferring verbal narrative stories by A. Platonov in comics of nonverbal format. We highlighted features of adaptation of each story, such as segmentation of narrative into fragments, reducing the author’s narration, the visual emphasis on the details, etc. Also, we analyzed the visual component of the graphic adaptation, namely, the lines and features color expression. All adaptations created by different artists, united by black and white colors, which allows comics not to conflict with the content of the stories, and to convey the philosophical component of the works by A. Platonov. Motif-figurative relationship of the graphic adaptations of short stories by Andrei Platonov and original novels is studied. The graphic stories preserved concept sphere of Andrei Platonov’s creativity.
Key words comics, novel, non-verbal narrative, graphic adaptation, visuality, A. Platonov, narrative
Article information
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Full articleAnalysis of the Collection of Graphic Adaptations of Short Stories by Andrei Platonov Flowers on the Ground