Article name The Evolution of a Man’s Image in the Poetry by Forough Farrokhzad
Authors Berezina A.V.Doctor PhD, Senior Lecturer
Bibliographic description Berezina A. V. The Evolution of a Man’s Image in the Poetry by Forough Farrokhzad // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 2. PP. 42–48. DOI 10/21209/1996-7853-2017-12-2-42-48.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-2-42-48
UDK 801.73:82-1=22
Article type
Annotation The present research is aimed at filling the gaps that exist in the analysis of literary texts by Iranian poetess Forough Farrokhzad, who was the brightest representative of a new movement called “she’r-e nou” (new poetry), in particular, at identifying the evolution of women’s perception of the second component of the binary system. The tools of feminist literary criticism were used as a methodological basis of the work. A man is presented in Forough’s poetry to translate love, to reflect the essence of the author’s philosophy of life. This collective image is multifaceted and naturally evolves in parallel with the development of the poetess, as she gains the life experience, transforms self-consciousness, because it is transmitted to the reader through the subjective reality and personal perception of the author. In her early poems, the image of a man is deprived of specific material embodiment, the projection of the woman’s emotional state becomes its conceptual basis. The habitual archetypes of the binary components, their typical roles, cultural and semantic codes within the traditional patriarchal worldview are illustrated there. In her late lyrics Forough refuses from androcentric philosophy by demonstrating the unity of the original opposition elements, the permutation of gender parties, classic characteristics of prototypes, syncretism of their defining characteristics. During the study, all the poetic material of Forough Farrokhzad was analyzed, and the presented poems were translated into Russian for the first time by the author of this article. The research results may be useful to orientalists and literary critics and can be used in the implementation of training programs of philological disciplines.
Key words Forough Farrokhzad, feminist literary criticism, masculine image, gender discourse, femininity, masculinity
Article information
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