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Article name | Hypocoristic Forms of Personal Names in English and German |
Authors | Kerova L.V.Postgraduate Student |
Bibliographic description | Kerova L. V. Hypocoristic Forms of Personal Names in English and German // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 2. PP. 49–57. |
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UDK | 811.11-112 |
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Annotation | The paper deals with the word-building means, which are used to create hypocoristic forms of personal names in the English and German naming systems. The research enabled us to reveal common (-a, -o, -e, -i, -y, -ina(e), -etta(e), -ie, -ey) and different suffixes (English: -s, -ita, -ot, -et, -on; German: -r, -chen, -el, -lein, -ka/-ko, -z, -ja) used to create hypocoristic forms of personal names. Further research revealed that the German language possesses greater amount of hypocoristic morphological and word-building means compared to the English language. In the course of the stylistic analysis all hypocoristic suffixes have been divided into 2 groups: stylistically neutral suffixes (-a, -o, -i, -y, -ina/-ine, -etta/-ette, -ie, -ey, -et, -ot, -on, -z, -el/-l/-le) and stylistically and emotionally coloured suffixes (-e, -ita, -s, -er, -chen, -lein, -ka/-ko/-ke). The research revealed that the forms, created with the help of stylistically neutral suffixes are able to function as personal names of their own right. It also should be pointed out that both in the English and German languages female names have a greater number of stylistic variants of hypocoristic forms compared to male names. |
Key words | personal names, hypocoristic forms of personal names, comparative linguistics, linguocultural studies |
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Full article | Hypocoristic Forms of Personal Names in English and German |