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Article name | Тext of Law, its Addresser and Addressee |
Authors | Batyushkina M.V.Senior Consultant of the Department of Linguistic Expertise and Legislation Systematization |
Bibliographic description | Batyushkina M. V. Тext of Law, its Addresser and Addressee // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 2. PP. 70–78. DOI 10/21209/1996-7853-2017-12-2-70-78. |
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DOI | 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-2-70-78 |
UDK | 81.42 |
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Annotation | The article focuses on the discussion of the terms “addresser” and “addressee” of the law text within the structure and the content of the juridical discourse. Special attention is given to the analysis of the relation between the concept of discourse, juridical discourse, legislative discourse, law enforcement discourse. The author expresses her point of view on the definition of discourse, juridical discourse, legislative discourse, law enforcement discourse. The text of law is defined as an intellectual form of interaction between the addresser and the addressee. The discursive status of the categories “the addresser” and “the addressee” is in question and their use in the juridical discourse as a means of influence on the audience is underlined. The main emphasis is laid on the fact that the specific communicative trend of juridical discourse is conditioned by particular addresser’s and addressee’s functions of the text of law. The article studies the main indications of subjectivity category in the law text. Moreover, it considers linguistic means for presentation of these indications, the language place in the course of creation of law is defined. Methodological base of the research is the provision of the theory of discourse, the theory of speech and the thought process. The set objectives were solved through the analysis of the effective legislation of the Russian Federation. The article analyses certain provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Тhe provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, affecting the formation of juridical discourse, are analyzed. Scientific article aims to discuss the problems posed by teachers, graduate and students. The conclusions reached by the author of scientific article can be used to conduct further research on this issue. |
Key words | juridical discourse, legislative discourse, law enforcement discourse, draft laws, addresser, addressee |
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Full article | Тext of Law, its Addresser and Addressee |