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Article name | The Personality in Social Networking: Constructivism and Destructiveness of Verbal Behavior |
Authors | Grishanina A.N.Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor |
Bibliographic description | Grishanina A. N. The Personality in Social Networking: Constructivism and Destructiveness of Verbal Behavior // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 2. PP. 109–115. DOI 10/21209/1996-7853-2017-12-2-109-115. |
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DOI | 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-2-109-115 |
UDK | 81’27 |
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Annotation | The article discusses the study of the personal characteristics of consumers of media texts, in particular, social network users; identify features of the functioning of the dialogues on the web, the presence of extremism in them. The author makes an attempt to classify the causes of media aggression, aggressive verbal behavior, intentions of placing graphic and drawing information on pages of social networks as the major modern communication channels. We have studied the identity. The research studies the intentions of the authors, the trends and typology of the placement of the materials are given. Methods and techniques of the research are monitoring of the network environment, the elements of the content analysis of texts and images as media materials, intent-analysis, and others. The analysis of theoretical problems in the study of personality, social-psychological approach to the subject of communication – the person – allows us to identify the intentions and motives of communication, the participation, the reasons for the creation of materials with extremist manifestations. The author relies on the principles of Erich Fromm’s humanistic psychoanalysis, the social typology of personality characteristics and the hypothesis that modern society makes destructive personality type. The practical significance of the development of the theme is that efforts are being made to study the reasons for reposts of this kind of information that provides the basis to model the socio-cultural scheme of communication in a network environment. It allows us to approach the development of modern ways of protection from voice media aggression and extremism and overcoming verbal threats. |
Key words | mass communication, media text, personality, destructive personality, social network, extremism, speech threat |
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Full article | The Personality in Social Networking: Constructivism and Destructiveness of Verbal Behavior |