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Article name | Media Space of Pridniestrovye in the Context of Axiological System of the Modern Personality |
Authors | Oleynikov S.V.Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor |
Bibliographic description | Oleynikov S. V. Media Space of Pridniestrovye in the Context of Axiological System of the Modern Personality // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 2. PP. 122–129. |
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DOI | |
UDK | 341.231.5+070 |
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Annotation | The peculiarities of language and more widely cultural diversity of Pridnestrovye are reflected, the accents on some contradictions in the language policy and the real linguistic situation in the context of the sustainability of axiological system of the modern personality and its capacity to deal with the mass culture are made. The proposals directed to alignment of the role of languages and cultures of all people of the republic, including those through the use of information institutes of Pridnestrovye are stated. An attempt of the analysis of cultural content of electronic mass media of Pridniestrovуe as means of forming certain stereotypes of the population is made. The modern cinema in its majority is programmed by a certain message to the society and is capable to transform a cultural code of the personality to a certain degree and to strengthen or weaken tolerance degree in the state. Advance of national ideas, universal manifestos by means of feature films confirmed the efficiency long ago. For this reason, the assessment of information stream in the context of its typological characteristics will allow us to resist to external challenges and to keep traditional system of values in society. In our opinion, there are interesting results of the analysis of information policy in a section “state – commercial” mass media of Pridniestrovye, according to which the first ones correspond to the pro-Russian national idea of Pridniestrovye to a lesser extent. We believe, the offered approach will be useful when studying information policy in other regions. |
Key words | culture, outlook, media space, meaning forming ideas, stereotypes, ideological bias |
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Full article | Media Space of Pridniestrovye in the Context of Axiological System of the Modern Personality |