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Article name | Linguistic Personality as a Subject of a New Aesthetics of Journalistic Discourse |
Authors | Teplyashina A.N.Doctor of Philology, Professor |
Bibliographic description | Teplyashina A. N. Linguistic Personality as a Subject of a New Aesthetics of Journalistic Discourse // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 2. PP. 130–137. DOI 10/21209/1996-7853-2017-12-2-130-137. |
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DOI | 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-2130-137 |
UDK | _070.4 ББК Ч600.2 |
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Annotation | Comprehension of the new journalistic aesthetics of media texts is a fundamental question. Without it the understanding of urgent problems of transformation of the journalistic discourse would be incomplete. The aesthetics is influenced by the stylistic climate of the era in general and the nature of expression of a particular author’s position, the implicit dialogue with the reader and the effectiveness of linguistic identity. The article is an attempt to analyze linguistic personality of Dmitry Bykov. Dmitry Bykov is one of the most prominent representatives of the journalistic profession. Journalism was the eve of a writer’s career and journalistic career for Bykov. To describe one’s linguistic identity fully and accurately, reconstruction and analysis of the speech portrait are required. For the speech analysis, the method of speech portraiture was used. The purpose of the method of verbal portraiture is to identify specific features of language personality embodied in the discourse. Texts by Bykov reflect the socio-psychological experience. Communicative intentions of the author are always controversial and dependent on the preferences of the audience. |
Key words | political journalism, the author, aesthetics, obscene words, linguistic personality, social criticism, style |
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Full article | Linguistic Personality as a Subject of a New Aesthetics of Journalistic Discourse |