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Article name | Temperance Imperative in the Context of Secular and Religious Education |
Authors | Ageeva N.A.Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor |
Bibliographic description | Ageeva N. A. Temperance Imperative in the Context of Secular and Religious Education // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 1. PP. 6–15. |
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UDK | 178.1:2-472 |
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Annotation | The article examines some topical issues of alcoholism and drug addiction prophylaxis in the context of secular and religious humanism. In the anti-alcoholic prophylaxis the author singles out four components: moralspiritual, educational, psycho-physical and sociocultural ones. In the moral-spiritual and educational components the leading role belongs to educational work which is oriented to the formation of healthy lifestyle dominants among the youth and children. It becomes possible due to the cooperative actions of a family, educational and religious institutions in the country. An important constituent of psycho-physical and socio-cultural components is the use of a differentiated approach to prophylaxis on both individual and group levels. Ethical and legal aspects of antialcoholic propaganda tend to be a necessary condition for a high level of legal awareness formation among the rising generation of Russians. The introduction of ethical codes for the students will contribute to their successful professional adaptation. The author proceeds from the fact that a decline in the death rate, an increase in the birth rate, the formation of the population’s healthy lifestyle are of crucial importance among interindustry problems of the Russian Federation development. Their solution depends on working out and realizing an inter-departmental strategy of drug addiction and alcoholism prophylaxis till 2025. An effective struggle against alcoholism and drug addiction is possible only with mutual efforts of the family and the church, health care and education systems, civil society and mass media. Analysis, systematization and implementation of pre-revolutionary experience of temperance education are the necessary components of the present day modernization of the Russian education system. |
Key words | healthy lifestyle, temperance imperative, national security, temperance societies, alcoholism and drug addiction prophylaxis, sociocultural patterns |
Article information | |
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Full article | Temperance Imperative in the Context of Secular and Religious Education |