Article name Developing Culture: Ethical, Political and Legal Foundations
Authors Gomboeva L.V.Candidate of Philosophy
Bibliographic description Gomboeva L. V. Developing Culture: Ethical, Political and Legal Foundations // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 1. PP. 16–24.
UDK 502.315
Article type
Annotation The current crisis in the country is mainly due to the intangible factors: ideological shortsightedness, psychological immaturity and lack of a real developmental policy. Largely this is due to the absence or weakness of the developing theory. In a broad discourse, the concept of “developing culture” is practically absent. The author does not only reveal her vision of the term, but also distinguishes the internal (individual) and external (social, institutional) conditions for the formation of a developing culture by synthesizing Eastern and Western concepts. The internal (individual) conditions include the qualities of bodhisattva, i. e. a personality aspiring to develop for the benefit of other creatures: compassion, clear mind and creative activity, as well as marked by Plato and Aristotle civil qualities: moderation, generosity, courage and justice. The external conditions include humanism, freedom, justice and equality. It is possible to formulate an action plan for the eternal question “What should we do?”: promotion of a holistic world view; humanization of the public order; democratization of education; reformation of the legal system. All these will improve the quality of human and social capital of the country, the level of trust in society and help to make human and social life more meaningful and fulfilling.
Key words developing culture, spiritual qualities, Buddhism, civilian qualities, humanization, legal reform
Article information
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