Article | |
Article name | Education and Culture, Education and Civilization: Challenges of Time |
Authors | Mironova N.V.Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor |
Bibliographic description | Mironova N. V. Education and Culture, Education and Civilization: Challenges of Time // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 1. PP. 25–30. |
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DOI | |
UDK | 37:008 |
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Annotation | At present education together with science are considered as the most important public subsystems that determine the main vectors of social development. The author emphasizes the interconnection of education and culture, education and civilization in contemporary society. The dialectical method is employed in studying their correlation. The paper describes the dependence of contemporary culture and education on the orientations in the development of modern civilization. Today education complies with the economic demands of society. It is mainly oriented to training qualified specialists possessing a set of necessary scientific knowledge, whereas cultural values and the culture of relationships between people are developed insufficiently, or ignored altogether. Education fulfills two basic functions: preservation and development. The paper claims that education should be directed to the preservation of culture and development of civilization. The author comes to the conclusion that, firstly, culture and education acquire a specific significance in the crisis moments of historical development. Therefore, they should occupy a priority position in modern society. Secondly, today education should be the centre that connects the space of culture and the space of civilization making them a united space of the personality formation. |
Key words | education, culture, civilization, person, society, crisis, needs |
Article information | |
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Full article | Education and Culture, Education and Civilization: Challenges of Time |