Article name Pity: Morality and Value Perspectives
Authors Zimbuli A.E.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
Bibliographic description Zimbuli A. E. Pity: Morality and Value Perspectives // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 1. PP. 51–61. DOI 10/21209/1996-7853-2017-12-1-51-61.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-1-51-61
UDK 177.74:159.9
Article type
Annotation PITY is an important moral and psychological quality, but to date it has not yet acquired a special status in philosophical reference literature. The author tries to correct this omission. For this purpose, he analyzes the Bible texts, proverbs of Russian and many other peoples of the world. The essence of this phenomenon is a negative experience about the events, which could (or should) develop in a more positive way. For ethics the following characteristics of the situation are of particular importance: who is sorry, for what reason, in what context the events unfold, how sincere compassion is, how it is expressed, the attitude of the participants of the situation to pity and pity results. The article discusses these characteristics in series with regard to pity-annoyance, pitycompassion and pity-greed. The author notices that there is a reason to talk about the right to pity as well as about the need to morally reclaim these kinds of pity. Analytical reasoning results in a conclusion: the pity that manifests in intersubjective relationships (up to the geopolitical scale) can be more cultural if we take into account the vectors of kindness, integrity, dignity and justice and it can lead people to harmony and goodwill.
Key words ethically significant characteristics of pity: subject, object, occasion, context, sincerity, mode of expression, attitude, result
Article information
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