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Article name | Ethos of the Patient’s Alienation in the Social Space: Game in the Definitions of “Other” and “Alien” |
Authors | Smirnova N.E.Postgraduate Student |
Bibliographic description | Smirnova N. E. Ethos of the Patient’s Alienation in the Social Space: Game in the Definitions of “Other” and “Alien” // Humanitarian Vector. 2017.Vol.12, No.1. PP. 75–81. |
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UDK | 316:1:61 |
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Annotation | The personality of a sick person is formed in the process of a social game, embodying the images of the “Other” and “Alien.” The article presents an essential and relative understanding of the patient’s game in the “Other.” Essential understanding of the game of the personality of a sick person is a reflection of the transformation of the social order of life and the formation of new ways of relating to it. The game in the interaction of society and the individual patient as the “Other” takes place in the framework of the problem of constructing the subject. Within the framework of relativism, the specifics of the individual patient’s game in the “Other” is relative, as the personality is formed simultaneously in the conditions dictated by health and disease at the same time. The disease is not the only absolute “frustrater” for the development of the human personality. It merely determines the role of the “Other” for the person in the social space, but how the role will be played depends only on the sick subject. Understanding the patient’s human identity as the “Other” also presupposes the image of the “Alien.” In this case we observe an identification of his personality with his illness which determines his biosocial limitations. It forms a special physicality of the Alien – “Corpus morbus.” The Alien sick body is perceived by society in the form of certain modes that are transparent. Playing his role as the Alien, the patient attracts viewers of public space, generates interest and, at the same time, alienates the society. It implies distinct experiences of social being-in-the-world. The role of the patient in the definitions of the “Other” and “Alien” at both the individual and societal levels is determined by multiple variabilities of the game scenarios that are defined by the qualitative nature of the disease. |
Key words | disease, patient’s personality, game, “Other”, “Alien”, otherness, game-being |
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Full article | Ethos of the Patient’s Alienation in the Social Space: Game in the Definitions of “Other” and “Alien” |