Article name Eugenic Strategies for the Future: Qualitative Demographics or Liberal Eugenics?
Authors Khen Y.V.Doctor of Philosophy, Leading Researcher
Bibliographic description Khen J. V. Eugenic Strategies for the Future: Qualitative Demographics or Liberal Eugenics? // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 1. PP. 82–85. DOI 10/21209/1996-7853-2017-12-1-82-86.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-1-82-86
UDK 314:613.94
Article type
Annotation Until recently, human reproduction has not had any regulations, as in the animal world, where fertility is the key to successful existence of species and the guarantee that at least some of its representatives will survive adverse circumstances and not fade away. The pressure of natural selection provided high mortality rate and contributed to the maintenance of a high standard of survival. As a result, for hundreds of millions of years the Earth’s biota remained balanced. The emergence of man destroyed this delicate balance, since the existence of reason provided him too weighty advantage in the struggle for scarce resources. The emergence of culture and the development of civilization aggravated this imbalance. The process begins to take an increasingly clear signs of catastrophe. Obviously, to restore the balance (or at least to slow the slide into the abyss) reasonable humanity should take some reasonable measures. The first thing that comes to mind in this regard is to maintain a reasonable population policy. There are two alternative demographic strategies: qualitative demography and liberal eugenics. This work is devoted to the analysis of these policies.
Key words eugenics, qualitative demography, racial hygiene, evolutionism, philosophy of biology
Article information
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Full articleEugenic Strategies for the Future: Qualitative Demographics or Liberal Eugenics?