Article name Provocation in the History of Philosophy
Authors Sychev A.A.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
Bibliographic description Sychev A. A. Provocation in the History of Philosophy // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 1. PP. 113– 122. DOI 10/21209/1996-7853-2017-12-1-113-122.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-1-113-122
UDK 1(091)
Article type
Annotation The article analyzes the role of provocation in philosophical discourse. The author distinguishes two types of philosophizing: theoretical (based on speculation and rational thinking) and practical (claiming the priority of act and lifestyle over reasoning). Rational philosophy denies the value of provocation, as it weakens the control of mind over the senses. The practical line of philosophy, on the contrary, treats a provocation as the art of exerting moral pressure on people and an important tool of social renewal. The article discusses provocative elements of the practical line of philosophizing by the example of Socratic irony, the call of the Cynics to come back to nature and the appeal of New European irrationalism to life. The author demonstrates that in spite of the attractiveness of the practical line of philosophizing and a wide response to its actions, it has always been and continues to exist on the margins of the philosophical process. However, without it the main theory risks to stagnate and turn into a set of platitudes. The article concludes that the need for provocation arises where morality, religion, art, philosophy stiffen and transform into dead dogmata. Philosophical provocation, shifting the balance between theory and life in the direction of life, allows society to change, and gives it an impulse to self-development and revitalization.
Key words provocation, history of philosophy, Socrates, Cynicism, irrationalism
Article information
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